Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dutch Beauty is out of the bag!!

Good Monday Morning everyone, I know I am posting more than normal, but I am trying to keep my blogging up to date.
Below is a photo of Dutch Beauty, which was started about 10 years ago or so!!!  She has been worked on then put away, pulled out - worked on - put away many times.  But now she has come back out of the bag for she is now my NFL project!!! 
A group of stitchers that I belong to through the internet have challenges that we work on.  I joined in on the challenges this past year when the Tour du France was on, working on Fair Charlotte, then it was the Olympics with Lounging Hare and an ornament and a few other odds and ends of stitching and beading.  (Lounging Hare is still in the works)
Well, this newest challenge is the National Football League season (NFL).  Starting on Wednesday, September 5 through to the Super Bowl, we needed to pick a large project (I picked DB), pick one day to work on that project and it doesn't have to be during a football game (I am going to try to stay with the Wednesday).  My goal is to get the first 7 pages out of the 21 pages done.  That will be the first row of Dutch Beauty.

Wish me well, for this will be a daunting task for me, though I love Dutch Beauty, for some reason, I just could not stick with it - but now I must - I have committed to my friends and to myself!.



Margaret said...

Yay! Your DB is looking good! I hope you make great progress on her!

Gillie said...

You can do it! Just commit to posting about it too and we will encourage you!

Deb said...

Such a wonderful sampler. And it does look likes it's daunting but if you stick with your schedule, you'll do it. Can't wait to see more pictures of it as you progress. She's one on my stash list.

Solstitches said...

You've already done a lot more than me Roberta.
Wishing you good luck with the project. I know you can do it.

Joy said...

Good for you for committing to complete DB!! I can see it now in the perfect frame...visualize hon! LOL You have the support!

Carol said...

Oh, what a huge project, Roberta! I wish you all the best in this latest challenge--she really IS a beauty :)

Melanie said...

WOW! What a great project! Can't wait to see how it goes as the football season progresses. :)

Brigitte said...

DB is such a beautifulproject and it's more than worth being pulled out and stitched on.

Anonymous said...

Great projet!!!