Over the past year and a half, I have been working on the table favors for the
EGA National Seminar in Naples, Florida. There were several of us that worked on these lap cloths for this event, which happened in September (last month). I was also volunteer chairperson - so with all that going on and working, having my sister move down to Macon - life has been a bit crazy and my stitching, blogging and life in general was totally out of routine and control!!!
Below is the the silk screen that we put on the lap cloths - the name of the event was Flamingo Fandango - it was great fun, wonderful hotel, hotel staff, good food and the classes and teachers were terrific.

This is the lap cloth
layed out. We had folded them and tied them with pink floss with a thread card attached - the cloths were well received.

Below is my Halloween ornament for the month - my stitching was reduced to small things over the course of the last year plus.

At the seminar I had the
privilege of being accepted into two separate classes one taught by Tanya Berlin and the other taught by Jetta Roy-Finley Heath. Tanya is from England, trained at the Royal School in England and now resides in Canada. Jetta is originally from Denmark and specializes in Danish white, pulled, drawn thread styles. Both ladies are extremely talented and very knowledgeable about their skills and techniques.Below is what I did in Tanya's class - basically it is a thread painting class using 1 strand of DMC. The boutique that was at the seminar had cut out mats to complement various pieces that were being taught at the seminar - I really liked this mat that was cut to fit the Blue Bird on a blossom branch. It is slightly off set, so it give a really nice appearance.

Now this is Tanya's piece!!! her work is just exquisite!

Now here is what I did in Jetta's class - Falstersyning Coaster - it is the style of whitework that is done on the island of Falster, just off the coast of Denmark - syning is the word for sewing - hence Falstersyning is sewing in the style of Falster.

Here is Jetta's piece, again another beautifully crafted piece of embroidery.

Well, since I didn't have enough to do, several of us were asked to do a pilot piece for Barbara Rakosnik - which she was teaching at the seminar - this is what I have done so far.

I am just loving these pieces that I now have to get finished along with the rest of my WIPS!!!
Below are two wash/dish cloths that I did manage to crochet and knit up - there also was a third on, but it was given away before I took a picture of it.

As if there is nothing to do, I also belong to the local Ikebana oranization and this was the workshop for September - manipulating leaves/line material.

I know that I went on forever, but it has been such a long time since I have been able to sit and write about what I love to do - it felt good to be able to sit here at the keyboard and share my loves with you all.
Thanks for visiting - see you all soon - I have lots of blog reading to catch up on -