Welcome to springtime in Middle Georgia. (we are hoping it stays!!)
Here is my front door with it's springtime wreath, which includes cherry blossom branches that represent the annual Cherry Blossom Festival.

Here is just the beginning of getting my front stoop beautified!!

Look I have a tulip, my
daffodils never came up - someone had many a wonderful meals!! 
The birdbath in the front yard.

My Cherry Blossom trees starting to bud out.

Look at how pretty the buds are.

And here is a small flower, isn't she sweet!

In closing - here are my plants that I found on the 80% off table at the garden shop (a total of $28 whoo hoo), except for the two in front which are my frost eaten plants from last year that I am hoping will survive!

Hope spring is popping out where you live and that the warmer weather will be here to stay, it is time.
Thanks for stopping by ------------ Roberta
ps - I will be heading to Florida today so may not be on line for a few days, will catch up next week when I return.