I am a bit late getting this onto my blog, but it has been a bit busy around here - cleaning house, laundry, stitching, cooking all the good stuff!!!
Below is a picture of my van that was purchased in Florida and is now sitting with snow (I know very little snow)on it. It was very, very cold.

While visiting with my friends we went shopping at the quilt shops and below is some Moda fabric I purchased.

This crazy panel which discribes my sewing/stitchingroom to a "T"

We also stopped at the yarn, weaving and cross stitch shop and in their 1/2 off basket were 7 Mary Garry charts - now you know that I snapped them up.

I also found 4 purse patterns at 1/2 price at one of the quilt shops

I also found 3 Prairie Schooler charts at 1/2 price.

Below is some fabric that I purchased to make pillow cases for my bed and a daybed - for decorative purposes only.

All in all I had a great time with my friends, good food, lots of stitching and some fun shopping.
Thanks for stopping by ------ Roberta