Below is a bookmark that my daughter, Lindsay made many years ago and I found it while cleaning things out - so I finished it with some purple fabric on the back (purple is Lindsay's favorite color). The other two items are beaded scissor fobs. The silver one is worked on a loom type device that I built out of card stock (instructions came with the pattern) Apparently there is a special loom that is available to do looped beading. The green scissor fob is just a stringing project with a tassel.

Below are two more "twisties", pin keeps and measuring tapes. The pinkeep is made with drapery fabric that has a random scrunchie stitched design, the pins have been colored with nail polish and the tape measure I found at the fabric store and glued buttons onto the sides (cutting the shanks on some of the buttons can be really difficult.)

I do have another two PIF to send out and I do not know what exactly I will send or make!! We'll see how inspired I get!!
Well - off to get ready for the weekend - Happy 4th to you all ------ Roberta