Well here I am trying desperately to get packed and the house cleaned. Tomorrow I leave for my sister's in Ohio. She is having a knee replacement and I am heading up there to help her out.
I wanted to make sure that I posted everything to bring myself up to date. Some of my little gifts have been with me for several months and I apologize for being so late getting them posted.
I received this lovely homemade card, beaded thread counter, plastic storage box and darling little voile bag from Jill (now I do not know how to make her name so that you could see her blog, but she has posted to my comment sections and I encourage you to visit her blog she is a very talented lady) Jill had a PIF (pass it forward) that I signed up for and my name was pulled.

So with any luck - when I get to my sister's - hopefully I will have internet!!! I will then have my own PIF and it will be a big one since I ended up winning another PIF from another great stitching gal.
Below is a close up of the beaded thread counter, isn't the Mother of Pearl piece beautiful! Thank you Jill I love what you put together and this little needle counter.

Below is a birthday gift (I know! I know! my birthday was in December!!)now I cannot remember if I had shared this with you all - this is from Clare in England. There are 2 little candies, a keychain with my initial, Carrie Threads, little pens, a bottle of beads, a phone fob/or scissor fob!!;o)) a lovely voile bag and a beautifully stitched needlebook.

Here is the inside of the needlebook

This is the stitched outside - Thank You Clare for putting together this lovely package - I truly love everything. (again not good at getting this link thing)

Below is a giveaway from Barbara in The Netherlands. Just love the chart from the Sampler Girl and the threads, but look at how cute the hanging pillow is!! there is a little kitty there - so cute!!

A close up - can you now see the little bird on the roof!!

I just love the backing fabric - Thank you Barbara for such a darling little pillow and for the chart and threads!

Now this is a huge apology to a very special gal - Heidi!! She made this lovely stocking for me for our Secret Santa exchange back in December and somehow I never posted it!!! This is so lovely and so well done, I just feel badly that I didn't get it posted.
Thank you Heidi for making this for me, I will treasure it.

Now I will leave you with these final pictures. The other day I showed you what my yard was starting to look like and I had a few cherry blossoms at that time. Well!!! You can see in just 3 days what a change the cherry blossom trees have undergone.

The whole city is a bloom with Bradford Pears and Cherry Blossoms and today is the start of the Cherry Blossom Festival - it is also the first day of SPRING!! Everything here is Pink -----

including the paper today - the entire paper is printed on pink paper.

Thank you for stopping by ----- Roberta