I have several Crepe Myrtle trees in my yard and they have been in full bloom for the past month or so. The trees in my yard are white, but they do come in pinks and
lavender colors. This weekend is the Crepe Myrtle Festival - we may try to go - we'll see how hot it will be.

It seems that my yard is ever changing with the seasons - when one set of plants drop their blooms another group will show their colors. The previous owner of this house did an incredible job with the yard and garden of this house. I only hope that I am a
diligent as she was.

Yesterday, I went to Savana and picked up my sister. She spent a few days in Jacksonville, Florida with a friend and then we meet at the halfway point. Jean and I tour a bit in Savana and had a fun afternoon then we headed back to Macon - Will try to keep you all updated as to what we will be doing this week.
Thanks for stopping by ---- Roberta
Enjoy your gorgeous yard and garden Roberta, and have a wonderful time with your sister!
Well, we know what a pretty yard you have. I have to go out soon and cut the grass again. That is my total yard work. I'm like Joni, I do not like it.
Nancy V
I love that ''bridal myrtle', it's lovely! I have never seen it before.
Greetings, Carolien
Lovely yard Roberta. I love the flying pig!!
Your kitchen is wonderful with all the roosters. Diane did a great job on the tea cozy.
I hope you are all settled in and feeling like you are home.
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