This past Sunday was my EGA chapters Christmas Party which is a Tea Cup Auction. Sunday was also my birthday so it was a fun birthday party for me!! though no one knew. My birthday has always been lost due to Christmas parties and preparations - so I always consider the month of December my special Birthday Month not just a day. Cards and gifts do arrive at various times during the month so it is a fun and different way to celebrate!!
Below is a free little gift from Fern Ridge - both of the designers are members of the guild so every year they bring a basket with a kit for all of the members - this is very special and very much appreciated.

Below is a little stool which I got because my ticket was pulled.

A top view - this has now become a favorite sitting place for the cats!!! are we surprised.

Also, had my name pulled to receive this neat stitching cabinet.

Looks pretty nice in my house - do you agree!?

The above items plus several others are flea market, yard sale finds by one of the lady's husband. He love to find thinks for us 'stitching' gals and we all look forward to his finds. Last year I was lucky to get a quilt rack that he had found.
Below is a little basket which will be fun to paint and then line with fabric.

a scissor fob and scissors

A sewing bag with pincushion

The sewing bag closed

A beautiful hand woven scarf

The total picture====

So you see how fun my birthday month can be. Next weekend is two more stitching parties. Everyone helps me celebrate.
To all who have a December birthday - enjoy the season as a total celebration.
Thank you for stopping by ---- Happy Holidays ---- Roberta
Hello Roberta,
Happy Birthday dear. That's a nice way to look at your birthday. Celebrate the whole month. I am an early November baby and unfortunatly, mine get shattered by Halloween and so I really embrace the month of November too with Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing all your gifties too.
and I appreciate your visit to my blog.
Happy Birthday and Happy Holidays !!! Great gifts !!
Wow! what great things you got at the meeting! And how lucky are you all to have the Fern Ridge ladies as members of your guild. Wow!! Enjoy all the lovelies. :D
My,my, you did okay! And belated Happy Birthday to you....
How fun! Looks like you came home with some wonderful gifts. Hope the kitties enjoy their new patchwork bed, and enjoy all your new things Roberta!
What lovely gifts and lucky prizes Roberta. I love the sewing cabinet. It will be really useful. What a great idea to raffle off these flea market finds.
I hope you had a lovely birthday. it is nice when it spreads out and you can celebrate all month :>)
Angela xx
Happy belated birthday, Roberta! May it last until the Christmas celebrations start, lol.
Wonderful gifts that you have received and won. Enjoy!
HB - dear Roberta!!! Some super gifts!!
Happy Birthday Roberta and what a lovely presents....
I can see you had a wonderful time at the auction!! What fantastic gifts!! My birthday is Christmas, so I do know how it feels like you get lost in the holiday shuffle. I do like your attitude...celebrate ALL month!
Your party sounds like it was great fun Roberta! It is so nice to have groups of ladies to share our passions with. Happy birthday and happy holidays!
Hugs from Holland ~
Happy birthday, Roberta! What wonderful things you got at the meeting! :)
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