Well here we are once again back in Ohio, this time to attend nephew, Justin's graduations from Kent State University with his Master's Degree in Higher Education Administration.

Justin lived in westen Pennsylvania while attending graduate school working as a Resident Director at a small college. The town and the countryside were just beautiful and my sister and I dragged poor Justin and DH Terry through many of the darling shops.
Below is a picture of a cute Prim Picture which I thought would look great in my house in Georgia. This is really stitched and the frame is just perfect.

Then my sister found this cute bird's nest so we each bought one. Jean also bought little eggs to go into her nest.

Below is a picture of my sister-Jean, nephew-Justin and niece - Jenna.

Thank you for stopping by ------ Roberta
Roberta I love the little primitive sampler you found, and it's framed so perfect! I like the bird nest a lot too! Nice finds.
Your sister has a lovely family. You look exactly alike!
Lovely finds, Roberta!
Congrats to your nephew!
Hi Roberta, Congratulations on Justin's graduation. I love your sampler and the birds nest, I can see that next Easter filled with little eggs.
Hope the garden was okay.
Warm hugs,
Hazel (UK)
Oh Roberta, I love this little primitive sampler, and you are right, the frame is just perfect.
Congratulations on your nephew's graduation!
ooo Wonderfull primitive sampler!!!
Congatulation to your nephew's graduation
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