Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ochids and "ORTS" twistie

Today I am heading out to visit some friends in Franklin, NC, and since they are stitching friends I wanted to make them a fun little something. Hence, the ORTS twistie. Below is what a twistie looks like in progress (pink); standing and ready for little bits of thread (blue); and a closed twisted ready for travel in your stitching bag (black).
Below is some pictures of my one and only orchid. When I lived in Florida, I had over 100 orchids of different varieties. So far this one has lasted and been in bloom since the middle of November.
I have the orchid sitting in my bathroom since the plant does like humidity, and I keep a little spray bottle to keep the roots misted.
Above is a shot of yet another bud.
Now look at how pretty the little face is!

Have a great day ----- Roberta


Anonymous said...

Those twisties are really clever, nice idea!

Maggie said...

Those Orchids are really pretty, and i love the little ort bags, i keep my offcuts in a jar, i used to just throw them away but the threads look pretty all together.

Maggie x

Nancy said...

The ORT twistie is such a good idea, and I love mine!

Roberta your orchid is beautiful! I can't believe you had 100+. That must have been such an amazing site to see. Thanks for sharing this.

Stef said...

Oh, your orchid is beautiful Roberta - you must have the touch to grow them because I can never get mine to rebloom!

Can I ask also where you get the little wooden forms for the twisties? I made one in a class once and would love to make more but don't know where to purchase the little forms.

Carolien said...

Hello Roberta,

Your twisty is really practical and handsome as well! Such a nice gift! I had a square one (paper) from Anne and I use it a lot when taking my stitches with me elsewhere.
Your orchids look great. We lived in an area in Holland for 5 years where they grow orchids, sweet peppers etc. The smell of a 'orchid factory' (no Phalaenopsis but Cymbidium varieties) is gorgeous, so delicate! I still miss that. It's very, very special.

Have a nice week & greetings, Carolien

Nancy said...

Very cute Ort bags and love the orchids.

Siobhán said...

I hope you had a great time with your friends, Roberta. What a clever idea for the Ort twistie! I have orchid envy!! I know you know the tale of my poor Ophelia The Orchid, so you'll understand why I am pea green with envy! It looks great.

Cindy said...

The twistie is a fabulous idea! I have a little bowl that I use at home, but never have a good way to keep track of orts when I am stitching away from home.

mainely stitching said...

The flower face put me immediately in mind of Alice In Wonderland! LOL! :D

lynda said...

I love the idea of taking the twisty with you in your stitching bag...very clever. Is that an original pattern or is it available somewhere on line?

angelasweby said...

What a great idea those twisties are and such a thoughtful gift for your friends. I have an orts bag Margaret made for me and I just love it.
Your orchid is beautiful. It's such an elegant flower and I love this colour
Hugs, Angela

Brigitte said...

This ort twistie is really cool. You can take it wherever you go together with your project. Great idea.

mainely stitching said...

Hi Roberta, you left a message on my old blogsite (at blogger) asking if that was my "new" blog. No, it isn't. My blog is hosted by Wordpress and can be found here:

Sheila said...

Those twisties are wonderfully useful . I´ve seen the one you sent to Margaret - - so very very clever:)

Caroline said...

Roberta--I LOVE my twistie!!! And the fabric is just perfect (samplers--my love). You are so incredibly talented!

Love you,

karin said...

Hi Roberta,
I jsut love this twisted ort bag!!!
Is it from a pattern that I can find or from a class??
Karin :)
in NY

karin said...

Hi Roberta,
Please is there a pattern for this twisted ort bag or is it only in a class??
They are just darling!!!
Karin :)
in NY

Nan said...

What a cute ort twistie! Did you design it or can we find the pattern on the web. It's exactly what vie been looking for.

Wendy said...

I love your Orts Twistie! Fantastic idea and just what I have been looking to make. Can you lead me to the pattern for it, or where I can find directions?

Beautiful blog, btw!