Good Morning, it has rained all night and what a wonderful way to sleep - the windows open and the soft pitter patter of rain drops. Fall is definitely in the air and the leaves are starting to turn. The picture on the top of my blog is from last year, hoping that this year will be just a beautiful.
I finally have the laundry done, the house clean and today will get my grocery shopping done! Life gets so crazy when I have multiple things going on at one time and September was one of those months.
As I mentioned in previous blog entries, I had the needlework exhibition, which is over and my needlework is back on the wall in my house.
Below is a picture of my 'doodle' cloth for my Reticello class, not sure how I will finish it off, but even though it is not perfect, except where the last stitches are, I will finish it into something.

This is the drawn thread mini workshop that Diane Clements taught after our EGA Meeting, I am almost done and then put it together and Voila!!

Here are the beads that I did at the 2 day beading workshop!!! Didn't get much done, but this is the results of lots of trying to understand the concept and then doing it!! I really liked doing this and hope to finish several more beads to make a small center design for a necklace!
The strip you see on the bottom left is a starter strip so that you do not have to try and hold these small beads as you are threading them together.
The 2 beads to the right with thread are still works in progress.

Below is the second 'Breast Cancer' scarf that I have knitted. The local knitting shop
Creative Yarns, does a whole month of breast cancer support. On October 1st she give anyone who wants to knit a skein of yarn to make a scarf, I turned in one on the 3rd. Then they do a 2 day 'knit-a-tit-a-thon. There is a pattern that knits up into a sweet little breast (tit)shape. Will post mine when I get it finished. Both the scarves and the knitted breast shape will be donated.
I also taught a small stitching project to the local Cancer group at my health club, will post pictures of that later, need to find the project bag that the samples are in!!

Now since I have nothing better to do and since my knitting needles where in such a mess, I decided to make myself a needle roll for my knitting needles.

One side is for my double pointed and the other is for my straight needles, my circular already have a store bought case to hold them.

A lot of my needles are from my mom or mine from when I was a child.
So that is what I have been up to, now I am off to exercise class which I haven't been to in a month!! And then to Walmart to start the grocery shopping.
Hope you all have a wonderful day - Think Pink!!! October is Breast Cancer Month!!